Disclaimer & privacy

Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. (“Novo Nordisk Canada”, “we”, “us” or “our”) strives to make a difference and improve the lives of millions of people affected by diabetes, coagulation disorders, growth disorders and other illnesses.

Being an industry leader in Corporate Social Responsibility, we take privacy seriously and are committed to complying with applicable privacy laws in Canada. This Privacy Policy advises healthcare professionals, patients, participants in clinical studies, customers, visitors to our website and other individuals with whom we interact (”you” or ”your”) on how we collect, use, disclose and protect your personal information.

Also, your use of this website (including submitting information to this website) indicates your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and Legal Disclaimer and adherence to its terms and conditions posted on this website. Therefore, please review this Privacy Policy and Legal Disclaimer before continuing to use this website.

Collection of Personal Information

Personal Information

Personal information is information about an identifiable individual, and includes name, title, postal address, telephone number, email address, age, occupation and other information set out in the applicable Canadian and provincial privacy laws.

In carrying out our business in Canada, we collect various types of personal information with consent of the individual or when required or permitted by law, and this includes information about customers, patients, healthcare professionals (including physicians, pharmacists and nurses), participants in clinical studies, visitors to our website and individuals who call our Customer Care department. The types of personal information that we may collect include the following:

  • the names and other contact information of visitors to our website who submit online requests for information on our products or responses to our questionnaires, surveys or feedback forms, or who participate in our online health assessment tools, contests, chat rooms or other discussion forums
  • names and other contact information of patients who use our products and services, when contacting us (whether directly or through our affiliates or third party service providers assisting us in our administration of a service or program) to seek additional information about our products or services, in which case we may also collect the patients’ personal health information and medical histories to enable us to provide information that we believe is relevant to the patients’ health condition
  • information about a patient’s lifestyle or household as this can often determine a patient’s ability to manage his or her medical condition
  • information about a patient’s or a clinical study participant’s health and adverse reaction to our product in our reports to Health Canada or other regulatory agencies
  • names and other contact information of patients who wish to participate in our clinical studies or to access products that are not currently commercially available in Canada
  • information that we may collect during meetings with healthcare professionals, including information regarding their areas of practice or specializations, professional qualifications and other credentials as well as any questions, comments and opinions that they may have about our products or services

Your use of our website does not generally require you to provide us with personal information. However, certain sections of our website are restricted and may require registration prior to access. When you submit information to our website, you agree that we may collect, use and disclose that information for the purpose(s) specified in those sections of the website and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not submit information to our website.


During your visit to our website, we may also collect information about how you are using our website, to help us improve the design and layout of our website so as to enhance your online experience. We do this through the use of “cookies” and other site-usage information technologies. “Cookies” are small text files containing a unique identification number that is automatically stored on the visitor’s computer. The information collected helps us determine traffic patterns and site usage, including the total number of visitors, whether a visitor is a new or repeat visitor, the types of Internet browsers and operating systems used by the visitor, and information provided or received by the visitor in the last chat room or other discussion forum. No additional personal information is stored in these “cookies”. We do not link this information to any other personal information that you may voluntarily provide to us at our websites. If you do not wish to accept “cookies”, you may set your browser to block or refuse them. However, some functions on the website may be impacted if “cookies” are not allowed.

Chat Rooms and Discussion Forums

Please take precaution when posting information to chat rooms or other discussion forums because, once posted, the information will be made public and cannot be easily removed from the Internet. This Privacy Policy does not cover information you post to chat rooms or other discussion forums and how persons receiving your information will use that information. Therefore, we cannot be responsible or liable for anything you post or receive in chat rooms or other discussion forums.

Links to Other Websites

Our website may provide links or references to other websites that are not owned or controlled by us. These links are provided only as a convenience to users. The availability of these links does not constitute our endorsement of the linked sites. Therefore, we cannot be responsible or liable for any damages or injuries arising from information provided at these sites or your use of these sites, including your submission of personal information through these sites and how these sites use or disclose your personal information. This Privacy Policy applies only to information gathered by us on this website. Please read the privacy policy of every website you visit that gathers personally identifiable information.

Sites Linking to Us

We do not endorse, and are not responsible for, websites that link to our websites.

Use of Personal Information

Personal information that we have collected may be used for one or more of the following purposes:

  • to monitor interest in information contained on our website for marketing and research purposes and to make improvements to our website, its content and ease of use
  • to administer questionnaires, surveys, contests, chat rooms and other discussion forums
  • to respond to questions, feedback, comments and contest submissions
  • to make improvements to our products and services
  • to respond to inquiries regarding our clinical trials
  • to follow up and otherwise gather more information on reports of adverse events or complaints relating to our products or services
  • to advise Health Canada or other regulatory agencies of adverse drug reactions and other related events in compliance with applicable laws
  • to provide clinical evaluation packages to healthcare providers and obtain their feedback
  • to obtain the advice of healthcare professional experts on research and development programs and clinical trial design and results
  • to establish and sponsor educational programs to raise awareness of a health condition and health management practices as well as scientific and clinical developments
  • to notify patients and healthcare professionals of product-related matters, including product recalls
  • to market and promote our products and services
  • to otherwise comply with regulatory, securities and other applicable laws
  • to respond to court or administrative orders, or to bring or defend against legal actions

Disclosure of Personal Information

We may disclose or transfer your personal information under the following circumstances:

  • to Canadian and/or other international regulatory authorities as required, if you are reporting an adverse event or side effect
  • to your healthcare providers, at your request, whether to obtain certain medical information from your healthcare provider, to provide certain product information to your healthcare provider or to otherwise assist you in participating in our program offerings
  • to our subsidiaries, affiliates, agents and outside service providers, whom we require to assist us in carrying out our business and who have agreed to protect the confidentiality of your personal information on terms that are consistent with those set out in this Privacy Policy. Such services may include data collection, processing and management, product order fulfillments, mailings, designing and conducting product educational and other programs, and record storage and archival. Only personal information that is required to provide the service in question will be disclosed or transferred
  • to a court, administrative tribunal, governmental authority or other body authorized to compel the disclosure of your personal information, for the purpose of complying with legal requirements such as a law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena, or court or administrative order, or as otherwise required or permitted by applicable law
  • if the rights or property of Novo Nordisk Canada, its subsidiaries, affiliates, third party service providers or the users of our website may be compromised
  • if the personal safety of users of our website or other members of the public may be compromised
  • in connection with a proposed or actual financing, securitization, sale, merger, amalgamation, plan of arrangement, acquisition, conveyance, assignment or other transfer or disposal of all or part of Novo Nordisk Canada or our business or assets, for the purpose of evaluating and/or carrying out the proposed transaction, and may use and disclose your personal information for the same purposes for which the information was collected and on terms of confidentiality that are consistent with those set out in this Privacy Policy. Only personal information that is required for these purposes will be disclosed or transferred

Please note that any of these disclosures may involve the storage or processing of personal information outside of Canada and may therefore be subject to different privacy laws than those applicable in Canada, including laws that require the disclosure of personal information to governmental authorities under circumstances that are different than those that apply in Canada.

Your Consent

We collect, use and disclose your personal information with your consent, except as required or permitted by law.

Your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information may be express (that is, where you were asked specifically for your consent, whether verbally or in writing) or implied (where your consent is necessary in order for us to provide the information, product or service requested), depending on the circumstances. Consent may also be provided in circumstances where notice has been given to you about how we would like to use your personal information and you have not withdrawn your consent, for example, by indicating that you would like to "opt out" of allowing us to use or disclose the personal information for the purpose we had specified.


Where an individual is not capable of consenting to the collection, use or disclosure of his or her own personal information but you wish to provide us with that information, please ensure that consent is obtained from the person who is legally entitled to consent on behalf of that individual if such person is not you.

Consent may be withdrawn at any time, subject to contractual and legal restrictions and provision of reasonable notice. Please be aware that if you withdraw your consent to certain uses of your personal information, it may no longer be possible for us to provide you with certain information, products or services. Also, under some circumstances, you will not be permitted to withdraw consent to certain necessary uses and disclosures of personal information that you have originally consented to. For example, we may be required or permitted by law to collect, use or disclose (and store) personal information without your consent, to comply with other laws, an order of the court or other legal administrative tribunal or body, or an authorized inquiry of a government agency or to collect a debt owed to us or enforce a right under a contract.

Access, Corrections, Updates and Deletions

If you wish to request access to your personal information or to correct or update personal information that we have on files that we own or control or that are in our custody, please contact our Privacy Officer whose address and other contact information is noted at the end of this Policy. Your right to access, correct, update or delete all or a portion of your personal information is subject to whether this is permissible under applicable laws or other legal restrictions. As we take your privacy seriously, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting you access or making corrections, updates or deletions to your personal information.


Informational Purposes Only

The content of our website is for informational purposes only. It is intended for residents of Canada only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on our website. None of Novo Nordisk Canada, its subsidiaries, affiliates or other contributors to this website can be held responsible, whether directly or indirectly, for any harm, injury, damage, loss or inconvenience which might arise from the use of this website or from your reliance on any information provided on this website.

No Guarantee of Technical Security over the Internet

Although we employ technical security measures to protect the confidentiality of your personal information, no transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secured. Therefore, Novo Nordisk Canada, its subsidiaries, affiliates, third party service providers and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents do not represent, warrant or guarantee that personal information will be protected against misuse, loss or alterations and do not accept any liability for personal information submitted to them nor for your or third parties’ use or misuse of personal information. Further, it is your responsibility to safeguard the confidentiality of your passwords that allow you access to secured areas of our website.

Use of Communications

We intend to use the general content of communications, including ideas, inventions, concepts, techniques or know-how for other purposes including developing, manufacturing and/or marketing goods or services.

Changes and Updates to this Policy

Novo Nordisk Canada reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy and Legal Disclaimer at any time. If we change this Privacy Policy and Legal Disclaimer, we will post the date of the change at the top of this Policy. You are advised to review this Policy regularly for any changes and to ensure you are aware of our current Privacy Policy and Legal Disclaimer.

Governing Laws of Ontario

Your access to and use of our website and the contents hereof shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein without any conflict of law rules or principles that may make the laws of another jurisdiction apply.


Even though other individuals or departments within Novo Nordisk Canada may be responsible for the day-to-day collection and processing of personal information, Novo Nordisk Canada’s compliance with privacy policies, procedures and laws rests with its Privacy Officer. Therefore, if you have questions about this Privacy Policy and Legal Disclaimer or how we collect, use, disclose or store your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer as follows:

Privacy Officer
101–2476 Argentia Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 6M1
Tel: 905-629-6156
Email: privacyofficercanada@novonordisk.com